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How to write an article 11 Tips

How to write an article for a blog? 11 Tips | How to✍Write Articles?

You have a blog-site that you have designed very well and at the same time you have done its SEO very well. But just think, what if you have not made your blog's CONTENT great?

A guy writing blog post article on paper with pen.

The point is simple - "People will definitely come to your website, but will not be able to stick to it for a long time or may move quickly to another website."

It is very rare that people visit a website simply because they like the look of that website. In fact, most people go in search of good content on a blog and if for some reason they like the content of your site, then they become loyal readers of yours and start reading your articles again and again and thus Your blog starts climbing in the public eye and then it does not take long to become popular!

They also say ''CONTENT IS THE KING!"

Now because the content means so much for a blog, in this post today, we are going to know how you can write a good and interesting blog post article for your blog so that your readers stick to your blog. So here are some tips on the right way to write a blog.

• How to write good articles 

1) • Write your personal experience (Share Your Personal Experiences):

Whenever we write an article on a topic, it happens many times that we have a personal anecdote or experience associated with that thing. We can make that story or experience more interesting and practical by including it in our post.

For example, suppose you are writing an article on 'How to get up early in the morning'. Now it may be related to an account of your life.
 You may not have been in the habit of getting up early in the morning, but then later you have made it your habit by working hard.
So you can include this experience in your article. In this way your readers will also be motivate and they will also enjoy listening to your story.

Always remember-

 In today's era, people do not like to listen to waste knowledge even for 2 minutes, but the same stories have the ability to be read and heard for hours.

Therefore, as a writer always have the skill to translate your experiences and stories into stories. To write well we must come to Art of Storytelling.

2) • Ask Questions

Whenever a person does not get to think out of the box while reading, he does not enjoy reading that much and the question is the thing that gives a person a chance to think out of the box. activates So we should ask our readers questions in our article.

For example, if you are writing a post on how to get up early in the morning, then you can ask people -
'Do you also want to get up early in the morning but cannot get up even after repeated attempts .. .?
If yes, the solution to your problem is going to be found in this post. The person reading this feels that in this article he is going to get an answer to his question and then he starts reading it with great interest.

3) • Make blueprint of article (Make Blueprint of Article):

Do not start writing any such article. Before you start writing, think about the things you are going to cover in this topic. Make a blueprint of them and when everything is ready, then you can start writing the article. With this, we are able to write the post in an arranged manner and at the same time it does not miss any point.

For example, if you are writing on 'How to get up in the morning', then you can include things like 'how to do morning, benefits of getting up in the morning, right time to get up in the morning'. If you want, you can also use them as sub-heading.

4) Keep paragraphs short:

No one likes to read paragraphs for long, because they feel too bored to read, so paragraphs should be kept as short as possible. This keeps both the flow and interest of the reader.

    Most of the world's big writers and bloggers prefer to write things by breaking them into small paragraphs, due to which their readers also like to read their written things very much.
    In the picture below, you can see the writing style of popular blogger and digital marketer Neil Patel, how he breaks his articles into pieces -

    This photo is a screenshot taken from neilpatels blog: A famous digital marketer
    Source: neilpatel.com

    5) • Use or Include Bullet Points:

    Bullet points means short notes written in the middle of the article. They creates the FLOW of the article and also keeps the interest of readers.

    This photo is a screenshot taken from neilpatels blog: A famous digital marketer
    Source: neilpatel.com

    Also from the topic in the post The inclusion of some intersting facts realted increases the readers' attention to the article.

    For example, if you are writing an article on the "Email" topic, then you can tell your readers that the first email was sent in 1971 without internet ...! This will get people to learn something new and they will be constantly connected to your blog.

    6) • Keep the Thrill On:

    Who doesn't like sci-fi movies? Everyone loves children or old adventures. But can you tell why we enjoy watching science fiction movies more than watching an ordinary film? Why science-fiction films are often named in the list of big films?

    The reason is- "Thrill hidden in them"

    Those who watch and read science fiction have no idea what will happen next. That's why people watch such films with great curiosity so that no scene is missed.

    We can also incorporate this concept in our writing style. If we do not open things in our article at all, let them open in front of people slowly, then they enjoy reading it more.

    For example, if you are writing on this topic "What is blogging" then-

    In today's post, we are going to know what is blogging and how to do it ...

    Instead of writing like this directly, if you write it like this by making a little suspense, then the reader may enjoy it more.

     Have you ever thought who puts so much information on the internet? After all, how is Google able to give us the right answers to most of our questions? In today's post, we are going to answer your questions ...

    By presenting things like this, people enjoy reading more than you have written and they stay connected with your blog.

    7) • Write something different from others (Stand Out from Other Blogs):

    Today thousands of people write their opinions on the same topic. Most of them simply follow a made-up rut, they write. Conversely, if you write something away from them, people will be attracted to you because you have done something unique, you have done something different.

    For example, if most people are writing on 'Tips to get up in the morning' then you can write on 'A great way to get up in the morning'.

    If other people are not sharing their experiences in their articles then you can. By doing such small things, your writing style gives a kind of effectiveness and people start reading your written content with great interest.

    8) • Show some proof:

    To give your readers confidence, you can show some proof about the thing you are writing so that they can be sure that what you are saying works really.

    For example, if you are writing on 'How to earn money from blogging', then you can take a screenshot of your blogging earnings and include it in the article. But if you do not want to do it personally, then you can give a screenshot or link of income report of a big blogger there, this increases the trust of your readers on what you have said.

    »Apart from giving Direct Proof, you can win the trust of your readers by sharing your personal experiences & stories.

    Always remember one thing- Big bloggers become big because their readers trust them.

    9) • Provide readers with resources (Provide them Resources):

    Every article of the world's largest and trusted blog WIKIPEDIA has a section at the end called - REFERENCES & EXTERNAL LINKS

    References and external links are given for people to read further about that topic so that they can get more information and help about that topic from them.

    Like Wikipedia, we can also help our readers by providing them with good resources (links, photos, videos, podcasts) and make our blog more reliable, popular and go-to source for your niche.

    10) • Keep your language strong (Make Your Language Strong):

    What kind of words and how you use words in your article affects your content to a great extent.

    For example, if you use some Urdu words in Hindi and some special phrases and idioms in English, then this gives a great elegancy in your writing, so that your writing style looks exactly like that of a professional writer.

    Choose the words according to how you are writing the post in people, that is, what kind of people are going to read your post.

    For example, if you are writing posts for non-professional people, then use more common words instead of technical and if you are writing in professional space, then it is definitely necessary to use technical terms.

    As a writer, we must come to write in every way.

    11) • Provide correct information (Write Correct Info):

    To prove your point correct, do not present it too much exaggeration, it reduces the trust of your readers. Things like facts, links, records, photos in articles, if taken from trustworthy sources (eg Wikipedia). It will be good if you go.

    12) • Some Quick Writing Tips:

    • Do not repeat things repeatedly to lengthen the article, it makes boredom to read the article.

    • Grammatical Mistakes should be tried as low as possible.

    • Articles, videos, etc. should be included in the article. This does not make the readers bored while reading.


    Always keep one thing in mind-

     The more you write, the more your way of writing improves.

    So this was our post today, hope that you must have liked this article named / how to write an article

    If you have any questions and suggestions, then please tell through comments and share this article with those who like Blogging or Content Writing! (2024 Words)

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